On a woman's face, the area around the eyes is mainly subject to age-related changes. Due to the fact that the skin of this area is practically devoid of subcutaneous fat, it loses moisture faster, becomes thinner and becomes covered with a fine network of wrinkles, and active facial expressions contribute to their deepening. There are salon techniques to remove wrinkles under the eyes, but they are not always safe and require significant financial investments. An excellent alternative to cosmetology and hardware surgery would be the use of homemade anti-aging masks to smooth wrinkles around the eyes.

Causes of wrinkles around the eyes.
How to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes, if you do not know the reasons for their appearance? By eliminating some or reducing their impact, you can significantly improve the condition of the skin and smooth out wrinkles.
- Facial Expressions: There is no escaping this point. We are all alive and have emotions. According to statistics, the eye muscles are tensed up to 15, 000 times a day. The individual amount is associated with habits, emotional characteristics, etc. Smiling people are more prone to wrinkles around the eyes. And here only the right means to smooth them will help.
- Age: no one is insured here either. As we age, the skin produces less collagen and elastin. Therefore, with age, wrinkles become deeper and more stable. For aging skin, the content of vitamins E, A, C, hyaluronic acid and Omega complex acids in care products is important.
- Skin type: dry skin is more prone to the appearance of early fine wrinkles. Fat can keep youth longer. Excess fat protects the skin and prevents the effects of the external environment.
- Incorrectly selected cosmetics or lack of care products. It is recommended to start moisturizing the skin already in your 20s. A simple moisturizer depending on the type of skin protects against external influences (wind, sun, temperature changes). The elasticity lasts longer.
- Inadequate nutrition is relevant to age-related changes. It is possible to compensate slow processes quite effectively with the help of simple external means. Serums and creams fill in the missing items.
- Bad habits alter the course of the natural metabolism and lead to malnutrition. A healthy diet and lifestyle can keep you young and beautiful for longer.
- Poor vision and the need to squint to see something.
How to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes.
To get rid of wrinkles around the eyes, it is necessary to prevent their development and provide the skin with sufficient nutrition and hydration. How to do it?
Vitamins and substances necessary to smooth wrinkles
- Omega and hotel acids from this complex. Omega-3 - fish and flaxseed oil.
- Vitamin A: eliminates dryness and flaking. restores the structure
- Vitamins C and E are an antioxidant that binds to free radicals.
- Hyaluronic and nicotinic acids are not produced with age in sufficient quantities to maintain skin elasticity and hydration.
- Collagen and elastin or elements that activate their production
All vegetable oils contain Omega or parts of it. They preserve vitamins A, E, etc. Natural remedies (plants, honey) also contain active biological components that normalize metabolic processes and eliminate wrinkles around the eyes.
When buying care cosmetics, pay attention that it is marked "around the eyes".
How to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes with a massage?
Mechanical smoothing helps to eliminate wrinkles around the eyes. The area around the eyes is sensitive and does not tolerate strong pressure. Therefore, movements must be precise without excessive force.
Today you can find a huge number of massage techniques for the area around the eyes. The simplest and most effective are lymphatic drainage and the roller. Choose a rolling pin with a smooth surface. Natural stone, for example.
Be sure to follow the massage lines. They are designed to smooth wrinkles.

Another nuance: you need oil, serum or cream. The roller or hands glide better without pulling on the skin. The second advantage is that the used product is perfectly absorbed, penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and acts at the cellular level.
Masks are an excellent help in removing wrinkles around the eyes. Some natural ingredients and recipes below will help you put together your recipe. Do from immediately before using and evaluate the result.
oil masks
Vegetable oil contains fatty acids and vitamins. Its exact composition depends on the plant from which it is made. Some are more suitable for oily skin: grape seed, jojoba. They do not clog pores and do not add oiliness and shine. For dry - flax, castor - nourishes and relieves dryness more intensely.
To get rid of wrinkles around the eyes, it is enough to apply pure oil twice a day along the massage lines. Leave to act for 15-20 minutes, then blot the residue with a dry cloth.
Apricot oil, almond, wheat germ, argan, macadamia and avocado help very well against wrinkles around the eyes.
To achieve a greater effect, the oil is mixed with liquid vitamins A and E, hyaluronic acid (5 drops per 1 teaspoon of oil). The mixture will keep for several months in a glass-lidded jar in the refrigerator.
Hyaluronic acid is indicated from the age of 25-30. Act quickly and efficiently. It is sold on the Internet in vials marked "for the face. "
The greatest effect is the use of home masks in a course of 7-10 procedures, 2-3 per week.
masks with potatoes
Starch fills in wrinkles, promotes the production of its own collagen and elastin. Quite effective at any age. Fresh potatoes or starch are suitable.
When cool, it is rubbed on a grater and applied to the area around the eyes for 15-20 minutes. To increase the effect, mix with:
- rice flour or oatmeal until you get a thick paste
- with hyaluronic acid - 5-7 drops per service
- sour cream - half
- vitamins a and e
Potato masks are a great way to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes.
Banana face masks help smooth out wrinkles. There are several options for applying banana to the area around the eyes.
- Cut into circles and apply as patches.
- Grind into a puree and mix with one of the auxiliary components. It can be oils, aloe juice, potatoes, rice or oatmeal, starch.
- Add vitamins A and E
After applying the composition, it is more convenient to go to bed. To prevent the dough from spreading, a paper napkin is placed on top.
Aloe is a unique plant that contains more than 200 active substances. It is used in folk medicine to treat many ailments. How to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes with aloe? For anti-wrinkle masks, aloe juice, its gel or aloe in ampoules is suitable. Act gently and delicately. Fills wrinkles, activates internal processes, moisturizes and smoothes wrinkles.
It is not necessary to wash it off after application. The only thing is that you can not apply makeup, so it is recommended to distribute it around the eyes after washing in the evening.
Aloe is mixed at home with cucumber juice, vegetable and essential oils, with aevit.
Sour cream
It turns out that ordinary sour cream, due to the content of collagen and B vitamins in it, is able to noticeably smooth wrinkles, provide the necessary hydration and nutrition. Prevent premature aging.
This recipe has been known for centuries. It is enough to apply a small amount of sour cream to the area around the eyes. Wash off after 15-20 minutes. For greater effectiveness, it is mixed with oils or starch.
Rice contains a large amount of nutrients necessary to smooth wrinkles, mimic or age. It is enough to boil the rice in water and at the end of cooking take a little of the resulting liquid. Special substances such as gluten contribute to the elimination of crow's feet.
Oats contain a unique gluten. It can quickly smooth wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin. It is enough to grind the cereal for instant cooking in a coffee grinder, add a little water, cucumber juice or sandalwood oil. And apply the mixture to the area around the eyes. Sandalwood ether has a viscous base and favors the penetration of substances into the deeper layers of the skin.
chicken protein
Another natural source of collagen is egg white. For the procedure, separate it from the yolk, beat and apply for 5-10 minutes. Then rinse under running water. For a brightening effect, add half a teaspoon of lemon juice.
How to get rid of facial wrinkles around the eyes?
Getting rid of mimic wrinkles around the eyes is quite easy. Just enough to keep skin hydrated. This is usually enough to smooth out the first superficial wrinkles. What is suitable for moisturizing:
- simple cream with moisturizing effect according to skin type
- Apricot Kernel Oil: at any age, when applied twice a day for a week, reduces the severity of wrinkles and crow's feet
- aloe, in any form, gel or plant juice, twice a day. If wrinkles are considered deep, add 5 drops of Vitamin E per serving.
- sandalwood essential oil - a viscous form allows you to quickly treat superficial wrinkles. We apply 2 r per day.
- Whichever remedy you choose, rub it with gentle massaging movements 5-10 times on the wrinkle.
- look at the massage lines when applying (see the photo above - it shows exactly that below the eyelash growth line we lead from the temple to the nose. A little lower, on the contrary, from the nose to the temple) . This helps to smooth existing wrinkles and does not form new ones.
- applying cosmetics over a moisturizer or oil, this protects the skin structure.
How to get rid of deep wrinkles around the eyes.
And it is possible to get rid of deep wrinkles at home with natural remedies. But it will require a little more effort.
- Regular application of products with nourishing and activating regenerative components.
- At home, a mixture of oil and hyaluronic acid helps. Apricot oil is better and 5 drops of hyaluronic acid, vitamins A and E for 1 tsp. The product is stored in a jar with a lid in the refrigerator. Apply twice a day. Residues can be blotted with a dry cloth after 15-20 minutes or not. Makeup can be applied on top of the mixture. It depends on the means, sometimes the cosmetics look good, sometimes they stain. Then we dry the oil before makeup.
- Another recipe on how to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes. Flaxseed oil mixes equally with any moisturizer. Contains omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil). When applied twice a day, every day significantly reduces the severity of wrinkles.
- Masks with starch or raw potatoes.
- Be sure to do a little massage when applying the product. By hand or with a smooth surface roller. Or a combination of the two. Because it is better to smooth out the wrinkles under the lower eyelid with the ring finger along the massage lines (see the photo above, the direction of movements around the eyes is well shown).
Now you know how to get rid of deep and fine wrinkles around the eyes using natural remedies. What else can help fight wrinkles?
What else will help get rid of wrinkles around the eyes?
- adherence to the daily regimen - helps the body to recover.
- active lifestyle and physical activity - accelerates blood flow, gives tone and strength
- To be outside
- application of protective equipment. Moisturizing cream in cold climates and with a light filter in active sun
- sufficient (additional) humidification during the heating season
- nutrition with sufficient selenium, zinc, vitamins, omega acids (fish and vegetable oils)
- the absence of bad habits (alcohol, cigarettes) that disturb normal metabolic processes